Saturday, 30 June 2012

Do the Blind Literally "See" in Their Dreams?

A Critique of a Recent Claim That They Do



This article provides a critique of a recent inaccurate claim that the congenitally blind literally "see" in their dreams, which flies in the face of findings that were established in 3 careful previous studies. It first shows how this claim arose through a blurring of the distinction between actual seeing through the visual system and imagery that preserves spatial and metric properties without specific reliance on the visual system. It then discusses the 3 mistaken reasons for this blurring. This correction is important beyond the specific issue of seeing in dreams because the original findings lend important support for a cognitive theory of dreaming by showing that the imagery necessary for dreaming develops between ages 4 and 7.


Cognition is embodied when it is deeply dependent upon features of the physical body of an agent, that is, when aspects of the agent's body beyond the brain play a significant causal or physically constitutive role in cognitive processing.
In general, dominant views in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science have considered the body as peripheral to understanding the nature of mind and cognition. Proponents of embodied cognitive science view this as a serious mistake. Sometimes the nature of the dependence of cognition on the body is quite unexpected, and suggests new ways of conceptualizing and exploring the mechanics of cognitive processing.
Embodied cognitive science encompasses a loose-knit family of research programs in the cognitive sciences that often share a commitment to critiquing and even replacing traditional approaches to cognition and cognitive processing. Empirical research on embodied cognition has exploded in the past 10 years. As the bibliography for this article attests, the various bodies of work that will be discussed represent a serious alternative to the investigation of cognitive phenomena.
Relatively recent work on the embodiment of cognition provides much food for thought for empirically-informed philosophers of mind. This is in part because of the rich range of phenomena that embodied cognitive science has studied. But it is also in part because those phenomena are often thought to challenge dominant views of the mind, such as the computational and representational theories of mind, at the heart of traditional cognitive science. And they have sometimes been taken to undermine standard positions in the philosophy of mind, such as the idea that the mind is identical to, or even realized in, the brain.


Thursday, 28 June 2012


Late to bed and rising early ups heart risk

 Are you among those who get up early but go to bed very late? Beware, your sleeping habit may be a “ticking time bomb” for your health and it could lead to heart attack and stroke, scientists claim.

Going to bed late but waking up early because of hectic work schedule has become a trend for many, but scientist said having such a habit means inviting serious health hazards. Researchers at the University of Warwick Medical School in the UK found those who could not afford to sleep for at least six hours a day are more likely to die from a heart attack or stroke. 

“The trend for late nights and early mornings is actually a ticking time bomb for our health so you need to act now to reduce your risk
of developing these life-threatening conditions,” said Francesco Cappuccio who led the study. “There is an expectation in today's society to fit more into our lives. But in doing so, we are significantly increasing the risk of suffering a stroke or developing cardiovascular disease resulting in, for example, heart attacks,” Cappuccio was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail. 

For their study, Cappuccio and colleagues looked at the sleeping habits of 475,000 participants from 15 previous studies across eight countries. It was found that those who slept for less than six hours were 48 per cent more likely to develop or die from heart disease and 15 per cent more likely to develop or die from a stroke. According to them, not having enough sleep decreases the levels of leptin in our blood, which means we do not feel as satisfied after eating. 

Experts recommend adults get at least six or seven hours' shuteye a night to stay healthy.

(Source: TNN)

Jimmy Henchman Admitted Involvement in 1994 Tupac Shooting

The rap exec reportedly confessed to his role in the Quad Studio robbery shooting.

After years of denying allegations that he was responsible for the 1994 shooting of Tupac Shakur that detonated a long and deadly bi-coastal feud, Jimmy "Henchman" Rosemond reportedly reversed himself, admitting involvement in the shooting while in custody for federal drug trafficking charges.

The admission has come to light via a transcript of the drug trial that was obtained by the Village Voice. In it, prosecutors say Rosemond previously admitted to them that he was involved in the Tupac shooting in an effort to negotiate reduced sentencing.

Rosemond's confession was not to be used against him in the trial, but became a topic of discussion when his defense lawyer attempted to paint him as a victim of a smear campaign. After he emphatically denounced a 2008 article in the Los Angeles Times that implicated Henchman in the shooting as "utterly false," the prosecutor approached the bench with an objection.

"If [Rosemond's attorney] is going to argue that this was a fabricated article, it's the government's position that we can put in the defendant's own admission about that particular shooting," the prosecutor said. "In saying it is not true, when in fact it is true, the government should be able to rebut that argument that he's making, [and introduce] that the defendant actually admitted to this 1994 shooting."

Last year, Dexter Isaac, a former friend of Rosemond who was serving an unrelated sentence, came forward to admit that he was the one hired by the hip hop mogul to rob Tupac at gunpoint. Isaac said Rosemond paid him $2,500 for the incident, which ended with Tupac shot five times.

As the statute of limitations on a robbery in New York expired 11 years ago, it would have been impossible for Rosemond or Isaac to be charged with Shakur's assault.

Rosemond is currently awaiting sentencing after having been found guilty in the drug trial. Last weekend, he was formally indicted for a separate charge that he ordered the fatal shooting of 50 Cent associate Lowell "Lodi Mack" Fletcher in 2009.

Source: BET News

Tuesday, 26 June 2012



There is a common phrase we have all heard - "knowledge is power".
This word challenges us to become actively involved in our ongoing
education. We cannot be truly powerful people through complacency.
It is becoming increasingly important for us as individuals and as a
society to put more focus on being aware. When we willingly
accept "the norm" without questioning we lose our sense of identity;
we lose power in this world to make a difference.

Behind every established norm is a great deal of history, tradition,
and core values. We are so often taught to not question tradition, to
accept other people's methods and values as our own without seeking
the deeper meaning. The act of questioning and seeking understanding
is a beautiful process - it causes us to open up to more of our
potential. We are inspired to find innovative new methods from which
to operate, and we find new and higher standards to hold ourselves up
to. In this process of expansion new values can be adapted -
ones more in line with current times.

It can be easy to settle in and allow our routines to take over our
lives. It is human to believe that things are "fine" as they are, and
that may be the case many times, but "fine" and "Ok" don't fuel our
passion for living. We are inspired and drawn to create and achieve
greatness - and the key to this standard of living is knowledge. Our
individual lives and our societies always benefit from a persistent
dedication to expansion through education.

Today's Exercise:

Try something new. Look at the world through the eyes of others,
view an alternative media outlet, or read a book or magazine -
something different than what you would normally select. You can do
this with other aspects too, just do something different from your
usual routine, or make a conscious effort to learn how to do
something new or in a new way. Open yourself up to a different
experience and reflect on the meaning of it and what you learned at
the end of the day.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Beyoncé Reveals Meaning Behind Blue Ivy’s Unique Name 


A poem could have served as inspiration for her daughter's name.

Ever since word got out that Beyoncé and Jay-Z named their first child Blue Ivy people have been speculating about the meaning behind their daughter's name. Some thought it was just a reference to Jay's favorite color, but Bey just shared a poem that could have served as the inspiration for the baby's first name.

"The world is blue at its edges and in its depths. This blue is the light that got lost. Light at the blue end of the spectrum does not travel that whole distance from the sun to us. It disperses among the molecules of air, it scatters in the water. Water is colorless, shallow water appears to be the color of whatever lies underneath it, but deep water is full of this scattered light, the purer the water the deeper the blue."

The inspirational passage, from Rebecca Solnit's Field Guide to Getting Lost, was posted on Beyoncé's Tumblr blog this morning. What do you think of the poem?


Tuesday, 5 June 2012



This word is a powerful reminder that the act of listening involves more than just merely hearing words. Listening is not the same as hearing, and requires the use of more than just the ears. To listen effectively we must engage with others on a heart level. Truly listening involves all the senses. It requires some degree of emotional/mental investment. Often we become so caught up in defending our own position, we disconnect from others before truly listening to what they have to say.

Today, we live in a society of the short attention span, with everything geared towards brief "sound bites" of information. The result is that many have stopped knowing how to truly "listen" to others: body, mind, and soul. It is not so much what is said and heard, as to how we relate and react to the information.

The act of listening empowers and inspires others. It gives them a sense of belonging and understanding. It is the first step on a path to peace and harmonious relationships. Problems remain unsolved when people stop listening.

Today's Exercise:

Reflect on a time where you felt someone close to you was not listening or understanding where you came from. What actions on their part led you to believe that you were not truly being heard?
Think of a time in your life where someone felt you did not hear him or her? Could you have done something different to better connect with this person? When you listen to others, do you make eye contact? Do you work to really empathize with them and try to conceptualize where they are coming from? In what ways can we work
to become better listeners?

Monday, 4 June 2012

Noble task of forgiving

Remember that in forgiving we release ourselves from the shackles of anger, bitterness, and disappointment. In this life we will encounter those who will do unkind things, but it is we as individuals who have the power to choose how this will affect us. Remember that not one of us has ever gone through life without hurting someone. Liberate yourself from the restraint of holding a grudge or clinging to past hurts.

Friday, 1 June 2012



What does that mean?
It’s all in your mind, at least that’s what today’s quote is saying to me. If you think you can’t, you never will. If you can’t imagine doing it, you won’t. If your mind is set against the possibility of it, then it is impossible. If you think you cannot overcome it, it will truly be unconquerable.
It has been said that if you argue for your limits, you will get them. If you focus on what you can’t do, you’ll never even try. Instead, the quote urges us to focus on overcoming the real difficulties that will test our resolve, as they are conquerable.

Why is focus important?  
What we focus on is what we will tend to get more of. If we focus on what is bad in our lives, we will get (or at least we will perceive that we get) more of the bad things. Those who see life as raining goodness on them will see (or perceive that they see) even more of the good things.
If we focus on the imaginary difficulties that are preventing us from getting what we want, it will be very difficult (if not impossible, as the quote implies) to get what you want. Instead, if we focus on the actual difficulties that truly in the way of us getting what we want, it is possible to work our way past them and get what we want.
Put another way, if we focus on the possible, we can get results. If we focus on the impossible, we get excuses. At the end of the day, which would you rather have, results or excuses. No matter what you say or do, you will have one or the other, so choose wisely.

Where can I apply this in my life?
What is holding you back? Is there something in your life that you want, but you are afraid start to working on? Think about that for a moment. Grab some paper and write down at least three things that would fall into that category. For each, also write down what your focus is, what you are afraid of, why you are not able to move forward.
Now think of a few things you amazed you when you were able to do them. Spend a few moment thinking about some of them, and then write them down on the same paper on which you just wrote the other ones. Next to each of these, write down what you remember being focused on as you accomplished them.